Tuesday, November 2, 2010

I May Have Lost My Mind But I've Got A Plan......I Think!?!?

Here's a screenshot of the proof that I really have lost my mind.  At least that's what several of my friends have told me, even the ones who regularly do Marathons or Half Ironman distance races.

But I do have a plan. I've picked up a copy of Training Plans for Multisport Athletes by Gale Bernhardt  it has a 26 Week Ironman training plan that I will use to establish a good base prior to redeploying and then it has a 13 Week Ironman training plan that I will use to sharpen up prior to the race.  There are right about 26 weeks left in this deployment and then just about 13 weeks from when I get home until the race.  So I think this would work out quite well.  I am somewhat concerned about the swim portion as always, but I should be able to muddle my way through the water just like I always do, I'll just have to hit the pool hard when I get back.

Now if I can just get my buddy Andy to sign up for this race like he promised me he would.  You know misery loves company.


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